Did not make any major plans. Stayed at home and watched movies. K was very very busy, he worked from 9 am to 11 pm all the three days..In fact he was working till 3 in the morning today. Am really worried about his health..This has been going on for the last 4 months...
To make matters worse, I had a terrible terrible back pain apart from the fever that I was suffering from. Was unable to move, sleep or work. After 3 days, the pain subsided a little though I still have occasional stings on my left side. I came to a conclusion that my health is badly affected cos of my sedentary lifestyle.
When I came to US two years back, I had a healthy weight of 110 lbs, proportionate to my height. Now I weigh 120 lbs, though not overweight, still all my old dresses/jeans/tops are not fitting well. Not the weight but the unhealthy symptoms are worrying me.
So, I decided to get an exercise equipment. So there you go, my weekend was spent researching about treadmills and finally ended up buying one. Assembled it last night and it looks good...
Now it remains to be seen how much we make use of it. Wish me luck..
17 hours ago
US does that to people, doesn't it? How much ever you avoid everything and eat only at Subway, somewhere the extra fat creeps in. And don't even think about it if you are in grad school!
Good luck with the treadmill. :)
Get well soon, looks like u need to take good care of urself. And good luck with all ur exercise regime.
Hope u get well,even I do suffer frm backaches when I sit too long in the car or get a little stressed out.
@gradwolf - Even the Air & water in America has fat, i think..
Hoping to make some good use of my investment..
@vaibhav - Its high time i take some control of my health...
@lollypop - girls are more prone to backpain..happens to me everytime i sit for long hours but this is the first time it came without a reason..
@all - Thanks for your wishes..Really need it!!
treadmill looks good!!!!! girls r girls. they never change... ;)
anyways, i hope u have a nice time exercising. btw, i increased 16 kilos after coming here... :9
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