Friday, June 6, 2008

Am Tagged!!

Tagged by Lollypop.

The rules:
Pick up the nearest book.
Open to page 123.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the next three sentences.
Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.

"Compile lists of what you and your
husband can do now that you couldn't
before, suggests Bray, whether"

These sentences are from Good-Housekeeping, June '08 edition.

Since am fairly new here, hardly know anyone. But this was fun..Thanks Lollypop.


Satish Bolla said...

so, did u compile that list???

Anonymous said...

Your blog has a new reader :-)

so whats about this new Good-Housekeeping? do we need a book

Pinky said...

@satish - actually I did, a few days before I wrote the tag...quite a coincidence,huh..

@Naren - Thanks...Hope you'll keep visiting..
Good-housekeeping is a book for women, more like Femina..dont think it wud interest guys much, if ever you get time, have a look at it at any of the magazine stands in NY..