Thursday, June 12, 2008

New look..

Idle man's brain is a devil's workshop..well thts what is happening to me...

Searched for a whole lot of time yesterday and changed the look of my blog...I'll see for a few days, if it pleases my eyes as much as it pleased me the first I saw the template, I'll keep it, if not..well, hunt for a new one..Simple :)!!!

Any feedbacks??

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Good Workouts.

Youtube has wealth of information. I was looking for effective exercises mainly for Abs, Cardio and arms & came across a very informative site along with videos.

Am listing all my favourites so that I can refer them whenever needed.

1. Anti Cellulite workout - Part1

2. Anti Cellulite workout - Part2

3. 15min Abs

4. Arm Exercises

5. Power-yoga Part1

6. Power-yoga Part2

7. Power-yoga Part3

Here's to a healthy living!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Adverse conditions...

All through the weekend, the weather was hot & humid but the last two days have been worse. The temp right now is showing 99F and rest of the week looks no better.

And here I am, watching news on TV about the floods in Wisconsin and Chicago area. Why such adverse conditions?? Global warming??

Whatever it might be, hope things get better everywhere..

Friday, June 6, 2008

Am Tagged!!

Tagged by Lollypop.

The rules:
Pick up the nearest book.
Open to page 123.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the next three sentences.
Tag five people, and acknowledge the person who tagged you.

"Compile lists of what you and your
husband can do now that you couldn't
before, suggests Bray, whether"

These sentences are from Good-Housekeeping, June '08 edition.

Since am fairly new here, hardly know anyone. But this was fun..Thanks Lollypop.


"Fitness should become a part of life, not just some activity" by Naren.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

3 Important Facts (In no particular order)...

1. Nothing interesting to write.
2. Haven't been productive at all.
3. Damn pissed off with myself.